TreeView User Guide

Backing up your database

It is advisable to make regular backups of your data, ideally onto another device (such as a USB drive or external hard drive). This is so that you will have a file to reload should you make a mistake or if your data is lost or damaged. When closing TreeView, you will be asked if you wish to backup your data. You can click 'Yes' to make a backup of your database. You can also backup your data at any time by going to 'File' > 'Backup'.

Backing up to a USB drive or external hard drive

  1. Click the 'File' menu on the menu bar, then click 'Backup'.
  2. Select where to save your backup by clicking the 'Change' button and navigate to your USB drive or external hard drive.
  3. Once a location is selected, click 'Open'.
  4. You can backup your media files along with your data by ticking the 'include Media Files' box.
  5. Click 'Save' to save a backup.

Backing up your database

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